“Goal of My Life” English Essay, Paragraph, Speech for Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 Students.

Goal of My Life

Life without a noble aim is like a rudderless ship but to choose a goal of life is an uphill task. Different people have different ambitions according to their tastes and likings because nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so. Every seeing eye, thinking mind and feeling heart has one ambition or the other.

My greatest aim in life is to serve my country. I know that this is not an easy job. I also know that there are many ways of serving one’s country. It is not enough to say that my greatest aim in life is the service of my country. I shall make it clear what sort of service I shall perform.

I know that the best service of my country, in the first place, would be to become a good citizen. I may choose to be a teacher, an engineer or a doctor. I may become a businessman or I may go into the political field. But whatever I become, I shall not be useful to my country if I do not realise my rights and duties.

My first step in realising the aim of my life, therefore, would be to make myself an ideal citizen. I shall never become corrupt and shall never tolerate corruption in others. I shall always be just and fair to others. In all things, I will think of general interest of the community first and of my personal interest only afterwards. Whenever there is a clash between my personal interest and the social interest, I shall not press my claims. If I can live up to this ideal, I would have a healthy influence on everybody else. I can bring about no reforms in others if I do not reform myself.

Great men like Gandhiji have served our country by taking up social and political work and devoting all their time to it. This is not possible for everyone. My way of serving my country would be to become a doctor and take up this profession seriously. As a doctor, I shall devote all my energies to helping my countrymen. My aim would not be to make money but to fight disease. I will look upon my earning only as a means to carry on my social work.

I would serve my country in another way also. In addition to my job, I shall always be prepared to lend my support to all good causes. I would take a keen interest in all the movements going on around me. I shall try to help in removing poverty and ignorance of my countrymen in every way. If I can afford it, I shall give financial help to organisations which carry on such work. I shall also try to find some time for such additional activities.

I know that the service of my country is impossible if I re- main alone and do not pool my energy with that of others. No individual, however great, is in a position to serve his country in isolation. In the world of today, great changes can be brought about only through joint effort. Therefore, I shall take keen interest in the political development in all parts of country. I shall study their programmes thoroughly and find out which of them can really work for the welfare of our country. At present, I have not decided which party is the best. But I shall patiently and seriously make a choice. I shall render help to the party of my choice in its work.

My goal in life is of a very modest nature. It is an ambition that can be easily realised by an ordinary person like me. I know I shall be able to live up to this modest ideal. If everyone in our country were to have the same ambition, our country would make rapid progress in no time. Thus, my ambition in life would be achieved all the more if I can persuade others to follow this very way of life. This I shall try to do by setting a personal example. All those who come in contact with me will be inspired by my way of life. This is the best way in which I can serve our country.

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