Air Pollution: A Menace to Mankind
There are two great menaces in modern times. First is the menace of noise and the second is that of air pollution. Air pollution is caused by smoke coming out of chimneys of factories, mills, workshops, etc., in the industrial areas. It is a great danger to health and life.
There are many causes of air pollution. Not only do we find smoke coming out of the chimneys of the factories, mills and workshops causing air pollution, but air pollution is also caused by engines used in railways, buses, cars, aeroplanes motorcycles, scooters etc., which are driven by steam or diesel oil. Mills producing chemicals and acids give out such a bad smell that it becomes difficult to breathe. Smoking indulged in by people is also one of the causes, of pollution though a minor one.
We, in India, which is not a developed country from the point of view of transport, do not realise the gravity of the problem. But in other countries like UK and, USA. France and other such countries which are very much developed in transport as compared to India, the problem is very serious. The transport is so bottlenecked that if you stand at some busy centre, you find that so many vehicles pass there within seconds that it becomes difficult to stand there. You will find it difficult to inhale because it is all polluted air. Imagine the condition of New York. London, Tokyo and Paris, where cars, buses, scooters, motorcycles on the land, aeroplanes in sky, are always going here and there, making a loud noise and emitting foul-smelling gas and smoke. The life there, is hell. People there are fed up with it. They want to come out from such areas and atmosphere to enjoy fresh and pure air but where to get it?
In primitive societies there were so such problem. People used to go on foot or travelled to bullock carts or horse carriages. Today it is all due to machanised transport vehicles which run very fast. People then had no problem of air pollution. They were happy. But the hurry in life today with the help of fast-moving means of transport has enveloped man with polluted air so much so that he has no hope of enjoying free and pure air.
Air pollution is thus a great menace in civilised countries these days. It demands serious attention to be given to solve this problem as it has made the life of people hell. The sooner it is solved, the better.
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