Drug Abuse
Drug abuse used to be a phrase commonly used for adults, but now it is becoming common among teenagers. Why does it occur among teenagers and what can be done about it?
There are psychological and social reasons. Some individuals have a genetic predisposition to becoming depressed due to stress and it is undeniable that teenagehood can be one of the most stressful stages of life. Such a psychiatric disposition could lead to drug addiction because drugs give the abusers relief from stress. Having tried it once, the sense of feeling high spurs the user to get a second fix and so on. Poor stress management and a low self-esteem could also trigger the use of drugs as the person simply wants to escape reality. The social reason comes in the form of peer pressure. In order to be accepted by a group, some teenagers succumb to peer pressure and get hooked on drugs.
Following that, how can one help reduce the risk of teenage involvement in drug abuse? Getting to know a teenager’s friends and their parents on a first name basis will also help a parent know what their teen is up to. Networking between parents of teenagers is essential. Keeping connected to their teens is also important. If a parent cannot be home with their teen, call and leave notes. Have another adult supervise him or sign him up for an after school program. If these things are not possible, establish a routine for the teenager to keep him busy.
Parents often avoid talking of drugs. They should. However, it must be reminded that these are conversations, not lectures that would bore teenagers. Instead, unite the family against drugs using strong family beliefs such as religious teachings. Establish that the family does not use drugs and there are other healthier ways to enjoy life and fix problems than escaping into a drug haze.
In doing so, the risks teenagers face against drugs, peer pressure to take drugs and the curiosity of taking drugs can be minimized, thereby creating a harmonious and healthy living environment for teenagers to thrive and excel in.
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