Television as A Means of Education and Recreation
Television is one of the chief miracles of science. It has revolutionised human outlook and is serving as the faithful servant to humanity. Mankind is indebted to Baird, the famous scientist, who invented television and made it possible to present moving, talking, living and breathing pictures of men, women and children on screen. In the modern era of science, great emphasis is laid on television in educational, social and cultural spheres.
Television is a compound word of two- ‘tele’ and ‘vision’. “Tele’ means distance and ‘vision’ means sight. In other words, television helps us in seeing distant things within a limited range of distance. It is somewhat a modified form of radio. Through radio we can hear songs, speeches and dramas, whereas through television we can see the persons participating in songs, speeches and dramas as well as hear them.
Screen education has a great educative value. If properly constructed, it can teach us English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Commerce, History, etc., and that also in the form of pictures relating to various subjects. The students gain a lot from television lessons, because the material taught is the outcome of the experience of the trained teachers who have considered the difficulties which the ordinary students have to face. The subject matter of these lessons, when seen over television becomes more effective and produces a more enduring impression on the minds of the viewers.
In a country like India, where a large number of people do not know how to read and write, a visual medium like television has unlimited possibilities. That is because no other agent of instruction can serve so large a clientele simultaneously. Lessons on improved techniques of agriculture, rudimentary principles of health and hygiene, history and geography, which should form part of education, can be brought to the doorstep of the people in farms and factories through the aid of the television.
Television is also a great source of amusement and recreation. After a day’s hard work, a person may switch on his television set and derive immense pleasure from seeing dramas, variety entertainments, films songs and even films on television. He is sure to feel greatly relieved of day’s fatigue and would find as if fresh energy is being infused into his tired limbs.
The launching of INSAT and other communication satellites in the space age has given further fillip to television, investing it with a truly international character. Now it transcends international boundaries. It has enabled people in one corner of the globe to see with their own eyes events happening in another remote corner, making the world appear much smaller than it is.
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